Psalm 23 (Part 2)

What does green pasture means..?

Green pasture is a place of feeding, learning and unlearning. It is a place of learning what to eat and what not to eat.

Often time, Green refers to Life in scriptural context and interpretations. In the day of Noah the bird that was sent out from the Ark came back with olive leaf (green-leave) meaning there is life once again. So, pasture can mean many thing but here it means life. We are to feed on Christ because he is the green pasture...

The word "mei menuchot" could also mean REST. Though it is rendered as "still waters" or "restful water" or "comforting water". Let us pieces this word.

In Ephesians it is said that "Christ will wash his bride by washing of the water by word"; in the book of John we have "out of his belly shall flow the living (restful) water". In John 4 "Christ is the living (restful) water".
The emphasis on "restful water" is in regards to the restoration of our soul. "You shall find rest for your soul" comes to play here.

We can as well interpret water to means "God's word" as we have it in Ephesians. Or we can take it as "Christ" Himself (For Christ is the Word of God according to book of revelation). Washing is pruning, we are the branches, and the husbandman keeps pruning or washing us by/with His word in other to grant rest to our soul.

Soul and Spirit aren't the same.

Soul is the seat of sensation, where feelings, emotions, will, desires and reasoning dominate. Because the soul is in connection with material world, hence it is written "we are not move by sight but by faith"

Faith is not of the soul but of the spirit. The purpose of Restful water is not for our Spirit rather is for our Soul; feeling that's not stable on God, emotion that's running wild like lion, desire that's soaring like eagles, self-will that's like an Ox. All these are what makes us to get into troubles many time. But, Christ becoming our shepherd, making us to feed on Him and leading us onto Himself as water of life leads to the restoration of our Soul. Our part to play is in allowing Him to be Lord not just the Saviour.

Verse 3."He restores my nefesh; He guides me in the paths of tzedek l'ma'an Shmo. (“He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake." NKJV).

1 Peter 2:25 says "We were as sheep going astray but are now returned to shepherd and bishop of our souls".

Note:" The shepherding work takes place in the soul not in the spirit.

Until we make Jesus our Shepherd not in words but by living that life, we are going to lack and our souls will not find rest. The path of righteousness will not be cleared to us."

To restore and to create are two different things. The former speaks of "putting things back to where they belonged" while the latter speaks of "to make a new thing". God’s aim is to restore man to the place where his soul would be in subjection to his spirit.

Hebrews 4 says "the word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing asunder (dividing or separating) soul and spirit...” The restoration is of the Souls. The spirit is already in this state at "Salvation", but the soul needs to journey in submission to the spirit- ultimately, to the Father of the spirit, God. The road to this is always repentance.

"Tzedek l'ma'an Shmo" means the same thing as "paths of righteousness For His name’s sake or for the sake of His name". The good thing here is that as a man or woman begins to experience Christ as Lord, he/she begins to learn righteousness (What is right and Just). He or she begins to turn away from his/her own way to God’s way. The quieter one's soul becomes, the more it will allow the spirit to soar.

Hence, "He (Christ) must increase but, I must decrease". The decreasing is of the soul while the increasing is of the spirit. And until a man get into verses 1-3 of this Psalm 23, the fear of shadow of death becomes a fearful thing.

Like Paul says, "I know whom I have believed". In our journey with God, we must come to a place where we can boldly declare "I know whom" not "I know what" I have believed. The former is of experience while the latter is of books/mental understanding.

Read Part 1 Here be continue...


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